We publish news from the WAC and writing communities. Visit to catch up on upcoming conferences, see calls for proposals, notices of newly published books and other scholarly projects, stories of WAC programs and practitioners in the news. If you have WAC news you want to share, please send a note to WACClearinghouseNews@gmail.com.
Year 5 Students at Birkwood Primary focus on artist Peter Thorpe in their WAC projects.
Marlin Middle School teachers (Central Texas) participate in WAC professional development.
The New York City Writing Project supports WAC with recent workshop.
Students write across the curriculum while studying Virginia state maps.
New open-access book by Jennifer Grouling traces the use of the American Association of Colleges and Universities' VALUE rubric for written communication at two small universities.
Students at Lott Middle School, in Citronelle, AL, are using the RACES writing strategy to write responses to readings across the curriculum.
There’s still time to propose a session to the International Writing Across the Curriculum (IWAC) 2023 conference. Scholarship applications are also being accepted.
Students at West Ewell are writing across the science and history curriculum.
Graduate assistants do important work and take on a large share of undergraduate teaching, yet this labor is often overlooked and undervalued. Please consider completing a doctoral research questionnaire on graduate student labor concerns.
5th Graders Celebrate AAPI Heritage Month with WAC at Demarest Elementary.