Volume 20, November 2009

  • Intra-disciplinary, Pedagogy, Multilingual, STEM, Rhetoric, WID, WAC

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Interview: Richard H. Haswell: A Conversation with an Empirical Romanticist, Carol Rutz, Carleton College
DOI: 10.37514/WAC-J.2009.20.1.01

Eliminating Lab Reports: A Rhetorical Approach for Teaching the Scientific Paper in Sophomore Organic Chemistry, Peter J. Alaimo, John C. Bean, Joseph M. Langenhan, and Larry Nichols, Seattle University
DOI: 10.37514/WAC-J.2009.20.1.02

WAC/WID in the Next America: Redefining Professional Identity in the Age of the Multilingual Majority, Jonathan Hall, York College, CUNY
DOI: 10.37514/WAC-J.2009.20.1.03

Electronic Plagiarism Checkers: Barriers to Developing an Academic Voice, Kathleen Gillis, Susan Lang, Monica Norris, and Laura Palmer, Texas Tech University
DOI: 10.37514/WAC-J.2009.20.1.04

Finding a Voice: Reconciling Discourses in Student Work, Gordon Fraser, University of Connecticut
DOI: 10.37514/WAC-J.2009.20.1.05

Math and Metaphor: Using Poetry to Teach College Mathematics, Patrick Bahls, University of North Carolina, Asheville
DOI: 10.37514/WAC-J.2009.20.1.06

Writing in the Disciplines: America's Assimilation of the Work of Scottish "Pedagogic" George Jardine, Lynée Lewis Gaillet, Georgia State University
DOI: 10.37514/WAC-J.2009.20.1.07

Making it Messy: A Review of Rethinking Rubrics in Writing Assessment by Maja Wilson, Meg J. Petersen, Plymouth State University
DOI: 10.37514/WAC-J.2009.20.1.08

Notes on Contributors

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Roy Andrews

Editorial Board

Liz Ahl
Robert Miller
Rebecca Noel
Meg Petersen
David Zehr

Review Board

Jacob S. Blumner, University of Michigan, Flint
Patricia Donahue, Lafayette College
John Eliason, Gonzaga University
Neal Lerner, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Robert Miller, Plymouth State University
Rebecca Noel, Plymouth State University
Meg Petersen, Plymouth State University
Carol Rutz, Carleton College
David Zehr, Plymouth State University

Managing Editor

Jane Weber

Copy Editor

Jane Weber


Daphne Bruemmer

The WAC Journal is Copyrighted © 2012 - [m]dateformat(now(), 'yyyy')[/m] Clemson University and 1989-2011 by Plymouth State University. ISSN 1544-4929. Reproduction of material from this publication, with acknowledgement of the source, is hereby authorized for educational use in non-profit organizations.