The WAC Community

The following organizations, award programs, initiatives, and events support the larger WAC and writing studies communities.

The Association for Writing Across the Curriculum

Following work over a two-year period, the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum (AWAC) has been launched. AWAC serves as a professional organization for members of the WAC community. Its mission is to bring together the intellectual, human, political, and economic capital of the WAC community to better support and grow WAC as a global intellectual tradition.

The International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference

The Seventeenth International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference will be held July 16-19, 2024, at Colorado State University in beautiful Fort Collins. Visit the conference website to learn more. To view past conference websites and presentation materials, visit the Clearinghouse's conference archive, which provides access to conference materials, including (for the 2020 conference) video recordings of sessions, plenaries, and some workshops. 

The WAC Awards

Combined Logos of the WAC Clearinghouse and AWACThe Association for Writing Across the Curriculum and the WAC Clearinghouse sponsor awards that recognize contributions to the WAC community through scholarship, service, and achievement.

Exemplary WAC Program Awards

The Association for Writing Across the Curriculum and the WAC Clearinghouse invite nominations for the Exemplary WAC Program Awards. These awards recognizes the extraordinary achievements of WAC directors and/or administrative teams to establish, maintain, and sustain programs that foster and facilitate exemplary engagement with writing across the curriculum at their institution, as well as institutional commitments to support these achievements. Three awards are issued each award cycle, corresponding with the years dedicated to program building.

WAC Standing Group

The CCCC Writing Across the Curriculum Standing Group (WAC SG) was established in April 2017. Its purpose is to discuss and provide resources to address areas of need in writing across the curriculum, writing in the disciplines, and writing across communities research within CCCC and in secondary schools, colleges, and universities in the US and abroad. 

The Consortium on Graduate Communication

The Consortium on Graduate Communication is an international association whose members provide professional development in written, oral, and multimodal communication to students before and during their (post-)graduate academic and professional programs. CGC members work with graduate students in their first and second/additional languages.

WAC Graduate Student Organization

WAC-GO seeks to increase mentoring to and support for graduate students with an interest in WAC research, program administration, or teaching. WAC-GO works closely with other WAC-related entities to promote graduate student scholarship, seek out funding and support for graduate student research activities, and connect graduate students with cross-institutional research, administrative, and teaching mentors.

WAC Summer Institute

Planning is underway for a three-day WAC Institute to be offered in summer 2019. The Institute's primary goal will be to assist new and prospective leaders of WAC/WID or similar initiatives in the US and internationally in planning and developing their programs. The Institute will also support experienced directors who face new challenges or wish to expand, update, or revitalize their programs.

Bale: An Annotated Bibliography of Narrative and Storywork

Bale is a collaborative, living annotated bibliography and a collective gathering of resources in narrative and storywork. This is an open-access project, and its editorial team encourages involvement from a wide range of users from students to scholars to folks simply interested in these topics.

Northeast Writing Across the Curriculum Consortium

The Northeast Writing Across the Curriculum Consortium provides the local region with expertise in research-based Writing Across the Curriculum practices, program development, and assessment through our local WAC consultant list and website. NEWACC also aims to foster collaboration among area WAC programs and provide opportunities for members to draw on each other’s expertise and experience.

International Writing Studies

This page lists people and places doing the work of writing studies research in university writing outside the USA. Our purpose is to offer a research resource to all who are interested in knowing, understanding, and collaborating. The page is designed to be progressively developed by people involved in reading, writing, or doing research in these areas.

The International WAC Network

The International Network of Writing-Across-the-Curriculum Programs was the predecessor to the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum.  Members of the Network were involved with the development of writing across the curriculum locally, regionally, nationally, or internationally.