Series Editors: Karen Gabrielle Johnson, Shippensburg University, and Julia Bleakney, Elon University
To discuss a potential digital edited collection, please contact the WLN editorial team.
Submissions to the series should be informed by the Clearinghouse invitation to contribute scholarly work, its statement on diversity, equity, and inclusion, and its statement on publication ethics. Our peer reviews should be informed by those statements as well and should also follow the guidelines provided in the description of Clearinghouse peer review processes. In addition, peer reviews are expected to be guided by the statement on anti-racist scholarly reviewing practices, which can be found at
Like other book series published by the Clearinghouse, books in our series are released under Creative Commons licenses. These licenses allow authors to retain copyright to their work. To learn more about these licenses, please view the Clearinghouse's Creative Commons Licenses page.
If the series editors determine that a proposal is consistent with the goals of the series and possesses strong scholarly merit, it will undergo a rigorous peer review by scholars drawn from our Publications Review Board or Editorial Board. Reviews are typically completed in one or two months.