Edited by Stephen Tchudi
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Evaluating a student's progress as a writer requires striking a delicate balance between the student's needs and the school's needs. This collection of essays offers several innovative options, concluding with ideas for formulating plans of action for introducing grading alternatives in classrooms, schools, and districts.
Introduction: Degrees of Freedom in Assessment, Evaluation, and Grading, Stephen Tchudi
I. Background and Theory
1. It's Broken-Fix It!, Liesel K. O'Hagan
2. Growth-Biased Assessing of Writers' More Democratic Choice, Marie Wilson Nelson
II. Responding to Student Writing
3. Writing Students Need Coaches, Not Judges, Lynn Holaday
4. Response: A Promising Beginning for Learning to Grade Student Writing, Carol Beeghly Bencich
5. Can You Be Black and Write and Right?, Elaine B. Richardson
6. Alternative Assessment of Second-Language Writing: A Developmental Model, Janis Massa
7. Scribliolink: Inviting Parents to Respond to Their Children's Writing, Joyce C. Fine
III. Classroom Strategies and Alternatives to Grading Student Writing
8. Student Attitudes toward Grades and Evaluation on Writing, Jean S. Ketter and Judith W. Hunter
9. Writing at Reading: How a Junior Year in England Changes Student Writers, Mary B. Guthrow
10. Assessment through Collaborative Critique, Sarah Robbins, Sue Poper, and Jennifer Herrod
11. What Grades Do for Us, and How to Do without Them, Marcy Bauman
12. Seeing How Good We Can Get It, Kelly Chandler and Amy Muentener
13. Grading on Merit and Achievement: Where Quality Meets Quantity, Stephen Adkison and Stephen Tchudi
14. Total Quality: A Farewell to Grades, Charles McDonnell
15. Using a Multidimensional Scoring Guide: A Win-Win Situation, Gail M. Young
16. Students Using Evaluation in Their Writing Process, Jacob S. Blumner and Francis Fritz
17. Unlocking Outcome-Based Education through the Writing Process, Rick Pribyl
18. Portfolio Assessment as an Alternative to Grading Student Writing, Kathleen Jones
19. Issues to Consider when Scoring Student Portfolios, Anne Wescott Dodd
IV. Faculty Workshops in Alternatives to Grading Student Writing
Developing Intrinsic Motivation for Students' Writing, Immaculate Kizza
Weighing and Choosing Alternatives, Stephen Tchudi
Contract Grades: An Agreement between Students and Their Teachers, Lynda S. Radican
Using Rubrics and Holistic Scoring of Writing, Jean S. Ketter
Alternative Assessment Methods across the Disciplines, Pamela B. Childers
Communicating with Parents and the Public, Marilyn M. Cooper
Publication Information: Tchudi, Stephen, & NCTE Committee on Alternatives to Grading Student Writing. (1997). Alternatives to Grading Student Writing. National Council of Teachers of English. https://wac.colostate.edu/books/ncte/tschudi/
Publication Date: March 15, 2011
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Copyright © 2001 National Council of Teachers of English. 308 pages. ISBN ISBN 0-8141-0130-5. Available in print from NCTE. Available in digital format for no charge on this page at the WAC Clearinghouse. You may view this book. You may print personal copies of this book. You may link to this page. You may not reproduce this book on another website. For permission to use materials from this book in other publications, please contact permissions@ncte.org.