We welcome a wide range of submissions related to the broad area of academic labor. Please view the following sections to learn about our submissions process.
Anyone may submit an original article to be considered for publication in Academic Labor: Research and Artistry provided he or she owns the copyright to the work being submitted or is authorized by the copyright owner or owners to submit the article. Authors are the initial owners of the copyrights to their works (an exception in the non-academic world to this might exist if the authors have, as a condition of employment, agreed to transfer copyright to their employer).
ALRA encourages submissions from a wide community of practitioners from a broad range of disciplines, professions, and fields including but not limited to college and university faculty, graduate students, administrators, union leaders, and others with an interest in academic labor issues, collective bargaining, governance, and advocacy.
We welcome reports, policies, position statements, essays, organizing and advocacy toolkits, photographs, photographic essays, personal narratives, social science research, original art, and reviews in print and multimedia formats. Artifacts and artworks should be accompanied by an introduction or forward, explaining the context of the work and helping the audience of ALRA understand the relevance of the piece to the aims of the journal. If you do not see a genre mentioned that you are interested in pursuing, please contact lead editors Sue Doe (sue.doe@colostate.edu) and Bruce Kovanen (bruce.kovanen@ndsu.edu).
Authors submitting work to ALRA are responsible for securing and archiving any human subjects permissions pertaining to their research. Authors may be asked to provide copies of these permissions to the editors.
Submissions should not exceed 10,000 words in length, including abstract, notes and citations. ALRA has no minimum required word count. Aligned with ALRA’s mission to encourage conversation among a broad range of stakeholders, we welcome shorter pieces, including briefs, on topics aligned with the journal’s mission and aims. All submissions should be appropriate for ALRA's multi-disciplinary audience and should demonstrate awareness of the broad conversation on academic labor.
Promising manuscripts enter a double-anonymous review process. Reviewers comment on an article’s strengths and weaknesses, provide suggestions to authors, and make general recommendations about publication. The editors consider manuscript review comments, append them to the originally submitted manuscript, and return them to the submitting author along with additional guidance as appropriate.
Authors are free to respectfully disagree with any element of the critiques, but they should provide justification for not complying with major revision requests. Productive, collegial interaction among authors, reviewers, and editors ultimately results in professional and readable texts that contribute meaningfully field of academic labor.
After the editor approves an article for publication, it is assigned to a future issue. We retain an electronic copy of every original submission and subsequent reviewed and revised drafts; we encourage authors to do the same. These documents become useful references as the manuscript evolves.
As you prepare your manuscript, please consult our submission checklist. We offer advice that will help our peer reviewers as they read and provide feedback on your manuscript. We also offer advice for preparing accepted articles for publication.
To submit work to ALRA, please visit our submissions portal at https://submissions.colostate.edu.
Academic Labor: Research and Artistry is published by the Center for the Study of Academic Labor at Colorado State University. Copyright © is held by the authors and editors of the publications in the journal. Works in the journal are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 United States License. ISSN 2380-2081.