Editorial Team

The editorial team is fully and wholly responsible for the content in WLN: A Journal of Writing Center Scholarship and for the scholarship that appears on these pages.

Editor in Chief

Muriel Harris


Julia Bleakney, Candis Bond, Andrea Efthymiou, Lee Ann Glowzenski, and Karen Gabrielle Johnson

Editorial Assistant

Ted Roggenbuck

Assistant Editor

Omar Yacoub

Blog Co-Editors

Anna S. Habib, Esther R. Namubiru, and Weijia Li

WLN: A Journal of Writing Center Scholarship is an open-access, peer-review scholarly journal, published on the WAC Clearinghouse and supported by Colorado State University. The journal is copyright © by its editorial staff. Articles are published under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND license (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs).