Writing Across the Curriculum Newsletter

Beginning in 1983 and continuing through 1988, the WRITING ACROSS THE CURRICUM newsletter (WAC) was published twice during the academic year by the Writing Across the Curriculum Committee of the Southern College of Technology (the college merged with Kennesaw State in 2015). Subscriptions were available upon request to interested individuals or institutions; a donation of $5.00 was requested.

One of the earliest publications devoted to WAC, the newsletter considered for publication essays, interviews, reviews, and conference reports that addressed "the theory or practice of using writing skills as a teaching/learning technique in any educational discipline" as well as "any fictional or non-fictional materials written by either teachers or students which demonstrate the exemplary use of writing skills within any discipline of the curriculum."

WAC was edited by Robert C. Wess and assisted over the years by several colleagues at the college. 


Volume I, Number 1 (not available)
Volume 1, Number 2 (not available)
Volume II, Number 1, December 1984
Volume II, Number 2, May 1985
Volume III, Number 1, December 1985
Volume III, Number 2, May 1986
Volume IV, Number 1, December 1986
Volume IV, Number 2, May 1987
Volume V, Number 1, December 1987
Volume V, Number 2, May 1988

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