Course Overview

Our goals in C0300 include learning to
* enhance critical reading skills
* focus an argument clearly
* meet audience needs
* present appropriate and adequate support
* consider and, where appropriate, refute opposition arguments
* organize arguments logically and coherently
* adapt appropriate structure for arguments
* demonstrate research and documentation skills
* adapt style for the rhetorical context
* polish final papers for professional presentation

Syllabus outline
The course is divided into three units or sections. At the end of each unit, you will turn in a portfolio of the work you have done in that unit, including final, polished drafts of papers, for evaluation. Below is an outline of what we will be learning in each unit.

Unit 1: Critical reading, arguing to inquire and to convince. (6 weeks) In this unit, we will read and analyze several readings and cover chapters 1-6 of the text. We will write summaries of and responses to the readings, an argument to inquire and an argument to convince. The final papers in the portfolio will total 10-12 pages. We will share a common topic from Aims chosen by the class for this unit. The portfolio is due 2/28.

Unit 2: Arguing to persuade/Negotiation and mediation. (7 weeks) As we explore arguing to the whole person (persuasion) and resolving conflict (mediation and negotiation), we will further refine responding to audiences, supporting claims, and reasoning. In addition, we will work on research and documentation. The final papers in the portfolio will total 10-12 pages. Topics will be chosen individually from the readings in Aims. The portfolio is due 4/25.

Unit 3: Application and analysis. (2 weeks). Our final project may be completed individually or collaboratively. Its goal is to apply what we have learned about argument to analyzing argument in a particular academic discipline. Each paper will be presented orally to the class during the final exam period, 5/8.