News, Events, and Calls

Traci Gardner
- Traci Gardner, News Editor

We publish news from the WAC and writing communities. Visit to catch up on upcoming conferences, see calls for proposals, notices of newly published books and other scholarly projects, stories of WAC programs and practitioners in the news. If you have WAC news you want to share, please send a note to

March 5, 2019
WAC-GO CCCC 2019 Guide

The WAC-GO Executive Board has compiled a CCCC 2019 reference guide listing sessions more geared toward graduate students or WAC/WID-related research.

March 3, 2019
2019 WAC Standing Group Meeting at CCCC

The 2019 WAC Standing Group Meeting at CCCC will take place from 3:30-4:30 PM at 401 David Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh, on Friday, March 15th.

February 21, 2019
Association for Writing Across the CurriculumĀ Business Meeting

All are invited to the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum Business Meeting, which will be held at CCCC in Pittsburgh, PA on Saturday, March 16, from 8:00-9:15 am (EST) in Convention Center room 406.

February 20, 2019
2019 LRNG Innovators Challenge: From Passion to Purpose

John Legend’s The Show Me Campaign is working with the National Writing Project to provide funding to teams of PreK-12 teachers and collaborators from other learning-centered organizations (like libraries and museum) with LRNG Innovators grants.

February 19, 2019
Growth vs. Fixed Mindsets: The Teacher's Attitude Is as Important as the Student's

Researchers Mary Murphy (principal investigator), Elizabeth Canning, Dorainne Green, and Katherine Muenks report that STEM teachers who believe in a growth mindset are more likely to have students who have stronger performance in the classroom.

January 16, 2019
Become a Member of AWAC

AWAC -- the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum -- is now open for membership. Individual and institutional memberships are now available for the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum.

January 4, 2019
2019 STEMwrite Institute Accepting Applications

The 2019 STEMwrite Institute invites faculty teams from the biological sciences to a multi-day institute that will (1) acquaint them with evidence that indicates positive impacts assigned writing can have on conceptual learning, and (2) provide a sequenced workshop in which they will develop brief, high-impact writing prompts to implement in large-enrollment introductory biology courses.

October 14, 2018
7th International Conference on Writing Analytics - Deadline Extended

The 7th International Conference on Writing Analytics: Broadening the Community will be held January 25 and 26, 2019, at the University of South Florida in St. Petersburg. Learn more about the conference and its call for proposals.                          

September 17, 2018
EAC Deadline Extended

Due to server problems when Hong Kong was hit by a super typhoon (Category 4 hurricane equivalent) in the last two days, the deadline for abstract submission to the 2nd English Across the Curriculum (EAC) Conference is postponed until this Wednesday 19 September 2018, 12.00 midnight Hong Kong time.

September 14, 2018
CFP for the Pedagogy & Popular Culture area of SWPACA