Help Launch a New WAC Organization

  • Nov 1, 2017

A working group has been meeting for the past several months to develop a framework for the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum (AWAC). AWAC would bring together the intellectual, human, political, and economic capital of the writing across the curriculum community to better support and grow WAC as a global intellectual tradition.

The working group was formed at the second gathering of stakeholders at two consecutive conferences, IWAC 2016 and CCCC 2017. An open invitation was offered on several listservs for volunteers to join the working group (names are listed below). Since that time, the group has drafted a mission and values statement and is now working on bylaws for 501(c)(3) status.

To learn more, please visit its page on the Clearinghouse or contact Michelle Cox at, Jeff Galin at, and Dan Melzer at