We publish news from the WAC and writing communities. Visit to catch up on upcoming conferences, see calls for proposals, notices of newly published books and other scholarly projects, stories of WAC programs and practitioners in the news. If you have WAC news you want to share, please send a note to WACClearinghouseNews@gmail.com.
Primary school students at Aberdeenshire Council are writing magic spells.
Harvard offers resources for “Unpacking the Elements of Writing Prompts.”
Fifth Graders write about the digestive system, practicing their complex sentence skills.
The Association for Writing Across the Curriculum has announced Executive Committee election results
The Exemplary WAC Program Awards Committee has extended its deadlines for accepting nominations. Peer nominations are now due by May 1. Self nominations are now due May 15.
CompPile, a searchable online inventory of published scholarship in post-secondary composition and rhetoric from 1939 to the present, adds recent issues to the database and invites suggestions for resources to add to the collection.
Students at Longbranch Elementary in Midlothian, Texas, write about experiments and observations of shadows.
The Ferris State University WAC Program offers tips on how teachers can save time as they respond to student writing.
Publish WAC Administration or Pedagogy Artifacts with Critical Reflection, WAC Program Profiles, and WAC Testimonies in the new WAC Repository.
First grade students write about desert food chains at Glenn Elementary in San Antonio, Texas.