2024 Exemplary WAC Programs

We are pleased to announce the 2024 Exemplary WAC Program Awards. The Exemplary WAC Program Awards series recognizes the extraordinary achievements of WAC directors and/or administrative teams to establish, maintain, and sustain programs that foster and facilitate exemplary engagement with writing across the curriculum at their institution, as well as institutional commitments to support these achievements. Please join us in celebrating the 2024 winning programs in the following categories:

The 2024 Exemplary Emerging WAC Program (1-5 years) is  

Writing Across the Curriculum Program at CT State Community College

WAC Program Chair, Rachel Jasiczek
Interim Director for the Office of Teaching and Learning, Forrest Helvie

This year, the committee decided to honor two Exemplary Enduring WAC Programs (11+ years).

One 2024 Exemplary Enduring WAC Program is  

Campus Writing and Speaking Program (CWSP) at NC State

Co-Directors, Kirsti Cole and Roy Schwartzman
Senior Strategic Advisor, Chris M. Anson

The other 2024 Exemplary Enduring WAC Program is  

Writing Across the Curriculum program at Appalachian State University

Director, Beth Carroll
Assistant Director, Sarah Zurhellen

Each of the winning programs exemplifies the principles and best practices of writing across the curriculum, demonstrating commitment to the field’s scholarship and models as well as innovation as they respond to their local contexts. In addition, this year’s winners are deeply integrated into their colleges and universities. They leverage shared priorities and strong partnerships, dialogue and collaboration, critical and creative thinking to advance a comprehensive approach to supporting writing instruction and writers across the campus community. Ultimately, these three programs excel at building learning experiences, developing new knowledge, establishing student-centered practices, and working with faculty across interests and expertise while creating or sustaining a culture of change around writing

You can view program profiles for the award-winning programs here:



You can learn more about the awards program here: https://wac.colostate.edu/community/programs/