Narratives of Joy and Failure in Antiracist Assessment: Exploring Collaborative Writing Assessments

Edited by Asao B. Inoue and Kristin DeMint Bailey
Copy edited by Don Donahue. Designed by Mike Palmquist.

CoverWhen teachers with antiracist goals invite students to share in assessment practices, they open up possibilities to reflect on their own and their students’ politics and subjectivities. The contributors to Narratives of Joy and Failure in Antiracist Assessment share their reflections on their efforts to engage in this collaboration. The chapters in this edited collection consider three central questions: How might writing teachers and students account for their own intersectional embodied subjectivities in collaborative writing assessment practices? What roles do the politics of judgement play in assessment ecologies where students collaborate with the teacher? Broadly speaking, how might writing teachers and students with antiracist goals navigate the complexities and tensions that arise through collaborative writing assessment practices?

Table of Contents

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Front Matter

Introduction, Asao B. Inoue and Kristin DeMint Bailey
DOI: 10.37514/PRA-B.2024.2227.1.3

Part One. Embodied Politics and Agency in Collaborative Spaces

Chapter 1. More than a Story of Antiracist Failure and Hope, Asao B. Inoue
DOI: 10.37514/PRA-B.2024.2227.2.01

Chapter 2. Speaking Truth to Power (Or Not): A Black Teacher and Her Students on Assessing Writing, Wonderful Faison
DOI: 10.37514/PRA-B.2024.2227.2.02

Chapter 3. One White Woman Stumbles Toward Equity in Student Feedback Processes, Megan McIntyre
DOI: 10.37514/PRA-B.2024.2227.2.03

Chapter 4. Disrupting White Mainstream English in a Hispanic-Serving Institution: Reflections from Two Latina Writing Instructors, Lizbett Tinoco and Sonya Barrera Eddy
DOI: 10.37514/PRA-B.2024.2227.2.04

Chapter 5. Between the Hammer and Anvil: The Implementation of Anti-Racist Labor-Based Contracts and Critical Pedagogy Amid Political Tensions و السندا نبين المطر قة, Kefaya Diab
DOI: 10.37514/PRA-B.2024.2227.2.05

Chapter 6. I’m the Problem, It’s Me: A Story of Reflection and Failure from a White Girl Writing Teacher, Alison R. Moore
DOI: 10.37514/PRA-B.2024.2227.2.06

Part One. Part Two. Collaborative and Anti-Oppressive Pedagogies

Chapter 7. Attending to the Elephant: Whiteliness in Collaborative Assessment, Kristin DeMint Bailey
DOI: 10.37514/PRA-B.2024.2227.2.07

Chapter 8. Gaming the System: Assessing Basic Writing with Black Male Student-Athletes, Louis M. Maraj
DOI: 10.37514/PRA-B.2024.2227.2.08

Chapter 9. Assessment’s Affective Attachments, Gavin P. Johnson
DOI: 10.37514/PRA-B.2024.2227.2.09

Chapter 10. Tensions and Failures: A Story of Assessment, Sarah Prielipp
DOI: 10.37514/PRA-B.2024.2227.2.10

Chapter 11. (De)Centering Whiteness in Writing Center Assessment, Christopher Basgier, Amy Cicchino, Katharine H. Brown, and Megan Haskins
DOI: 10.37514/PRA-B.2024.2227.2.11

Afterword. Co-intentional Assessment, Jesse Stommel
DOI: 10.37514/PRA-B.2024.2227.3.2


About the Editors

Asao B. Inoue is Professor of Rhetoric and Composition at Arizona State University. He is the 2019 Chair of the Conference on College Composition and Communication. His articles and books have won numerous awards, inclusing the 2017 NCTE/CCCC Outstanding Book Award for Antiracist Writing Assessment Ecologies: Teaching and Assessing for a Socially Just Future. His most recent books include Above the Well: An Antiracist Argument from A Boy of Color and Cripping Labor-Based Grading for More Equity in Literacy Courses.

Kristin DeMint Bailey, now an independent scholar, earned her Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, specializing in antiracist writing pedagogies and assessment. Her dissertation explores how students’ and teachers’ languaging in a Black culture center at a predominantly White institution cultivates Black students’ academic identities, creates community, and leads institutional antiracism in a historically hostile environment. Throughout the dissertation, she problematizes her own White subjectivity.

Publication Information: Inoue, Asao B., and Kristin DeMint Bailey (Eds.). (2024). Narratives of Joy and Failure in Antiracist Assessment: Exploring Collaborative Writing Assessments. The WAC Clearinghouse; University Press of Colorado.

Digital Publication Date: May 9, 2024
Print Publication Date: Pending

ISBN: 978-1-64215-222-7 (PDF) | 978-1-64215-223-4 (ePub) | 978-1-64642-621-8 (pbk.)
DOI: 10.37514/PRA-B.2024.2227

Contact Information:
Asao B. Inoue:
Kristin DeMint Bailey:

Practices & Possibilities

Series Editors: Aimee McClure, Clarke University; Kelly Ritter, Georgia Institute of Technology; Aleashia Walton, University of Cincinnati; and Jagadish Paudel, University of Texas at El Paso

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Copyright © 2024 Asao B. Inoue, Kristin DeMint Bailey, and the authors of individual parts of this book. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License. 232 pages, with notes, illustrations, and bibliographies. This book will be available in print from University Press of Colorado as well as from any online or brick-and-mortar bookstore. Available in digital formats for no charge on this page at the WAC Clearinghouse. You may view this book. You may print personal copies of this book. You may link to this page. You may not reproduce this book on another website.