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Keyword: Mentoring

Lolly, Lolly, Lolly, Get Your Survey Here

In the spirit of back to school, with an echo of schoolhouse rock, we invite you to take our back to school survey, 2015-16 edition.

Whether you are in fierce denial regarding the coming academic year, furiously at work on fall syllabi, or packing for a last-chance holiday, this survey will give you something to look forward to: namely a host of upcoming Coalition events and opportunities to be involved.

A 4×4 grid shows silhouetted hands gesturing variously.

Here, I want to highlight one opportunity in particular—or really, up to 45 opportunities linked to the upcoming Feminisms and Rhetorics Conference, which will be at Arizona State University in Tempe, AZ, from October 28-31. This year, the Coalition will again be sponsoring manuscript mentoring, and 45—yes, forty-five—colleagues have signed up, eager for feedback on work in progress, including articles, book chapters, and book proposals.  Now, it’s your turn, would-be mentors planning to attend FemRhet. We need 25-45 of volunteers to serve as manuscript mentors for one or two colleagues. You’ll learn more on page 2 of the survey.

We also have open spots on a variety of committees and task forces, as well as a 2015-16 Social Media Team. Too, the survey invites your feedback on the past year plus your  suggestions for the year ahead.

So, Coalition, welcome to Academic Year 2015-1016. Please join us in making it a great one! Please, too, don’t forget: FemRhet registration is open, and conferencegoers can join the Coalition at a special, discounted rate. Also, if you’ve been fantasizing about hosting FemRhet, now is the time to apply. Proposals to host the 2017 and 2019 conferences are due August 15th.

A tabby cat, Charlie, inspects a catnip-filled apple.

2020-11-09 12:47:54Lolly, Lolly, Lolly, Get Your Survey Here

Spend 4C15 with Feminists

4C15 approaches, and there are an unprecedented number of incredible sounding sessions and events on the docket. In fact, it is a near-impossible task to choose just one per time slot. That’s where the Coalition can help.

3/18: Spend the day (9-5) at the Feminist Workshop in the Tampa Convention Center, Room 5. This year’s theme is “Teaching, Service, and the Material Conditions of Labor.” Participants will work to identify ways they can and do engage in feminist labor within academia. First Level Co-Chairs include Lauren Connolly, Jennifer Nish, April Cobos, Patty Wilde, April Conway, Lydia McDermott, Roseanne Gatto, Shannon Mondor, Moushumi Biswas, Emma Howes, Alison A. Lukowski, Nicole Khoury, and Lauren Rosenberg. Speakers include Dawn Opel, Liz Egen, Jessica Philbrook, Dara Regaignon, Jennifer Heinert, Cassandra Phillips, Shelley Hawthorne Smith, and Michele Lockhart, Kathleen Mollick.

The letters CWS, HRC, and NWS are stacked on top of each other at the center of this image. The phrase “CCCC 2015” runs sideways along the left-hand side; the names of NWS speakers are listed (also sideways) on the right.

3/18: Join the CWSHRC from 6:30-8:30 in the Marriott’s Salon E. 

We’ll start with a showcase of new work by 11 Coalition scholars: Heather B. Adams, Erin M. Andersen, Geghard Arakelian, Heather Branstetter, Tamika Carey, Lavinia Hirsu, Nicole Khoury, Katie Livingston, LaToya Sawyer, Erin Wecker, and Patty Wilde.

We’ll end with interactive mentoring tables on the following topics: Alt Academics & Independent Scholars with Beth Hewett & Erin Krampetz, Campus Labor Activism with Kirsti Cole & Bo Wang, Developing Research Questions with David Gold, Sarah Hallenbeck, & Lindsay Rose Russell, Grad School Transitions with Nan Johnson & Wendy Sharer, Fostering Inclusion with Risa Applegarth, Cristina Ramirez, & Hyoejin Yoon, Making Monographs with Kate Adams & Lynée Gaillet, Making the Most of Digital Resources with April Cobos & Becca Richards, Mentoring Undergraduate Research with Jane Greer & Paige Banaji, When and How to Say No with Marta Hess & Gwen Pough, Working in the Archives with Nancy Myers & Kathleen Welch.

This image, an informational poster for the Women’s Network SIG, features a Wonder Woman LEGO figure, complete with star-spangled bikini and red boots.

3/19: Participate in the Women’s Network SIG from 6:30-7:30 in the Tampa CC, Room 14.Open to all CCCC attendees, this Special Interest Group is a participant-led sharing session on gender, professional labor, and workplace equity. Chair: Heather B. Adams.

3/21: Meet the Committee on the Status of Women in the Profession from 9:30-10:30 at the Action Hub in Tampa CC, Ballroom B. This final-day meet-up is a chance to talk with representatives from all 4Cs committees, including this one led by Co-Chairs Holly Hassel and K. Hyoejin Yoon.

2020-11-09 12:47:54Spend 4C15 with Feminists

Situating Composition, Celebrating Lisa Ede

Thanks to our colleagues at Oregon State University, the generous hosts of “Situating Composition,” aka #LisaCon, we can all recognize Friday, October 24th 2014 as Lisa Ede Day. So many of us are so lucky to know Lisa, who is (to quote Twitter) our most wonderful, most fabulous, most magnificent and lovable teacher, collaborator, mentor, and friend. She is also the inspiration for a new Coalition award: the CWSHRC Lisa Ede Mentoring Award. 

Since it’s founding 25 years ago, the Coalition of Women Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition has been an organization of mentors and mentoring. We might say scholarship is the head of the organization, mentoring is the heart, and teaching is the open hand. While it is true that we look to our colleague Lisa Ede as an example of each of these activities, we cannot think of anything more fitting than to honor her work by establishing an award for mentoring in her honor.
Beginning this fall at the 10th Biennial Feminisms and Rhetorics Conference, which will be held at ASU (10/28-10/31/15), we will proudly and with great pleasure give the first Lisa Ede Mentoring Award to a colleague or colleagues who follow Lisa’s example. Specifically, this award will be given to an individual or group with a career-record of mentorship, including formal and informal advising of students and colleagues; leadership in campus, professional, and/or local communities; and other activities that align with the overall mission and goals of the Coalition.

For more information about how to nominate a colleague or colleagues (materials are due 5/1/2015) and how to contribute to the award fund, please download our informational flyer, and don’t hesitate to contact us with questions. Please, too, congratulate Lisa the next time you see or write to her.
(W/thanks to OSU and @WritingAtLaneCC for the first and last images, respectively.)
2020-11-09 12:47:55Situating Composition, Celebrating Lisa Ede

Keyword: Mentoring

“Go and Love Some More”: Memorializing and Archiving Feminist Grief
Brooke Boling, Laura R. Micciche, Katie C. Monthie, and Jayne E.O. Stone
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Advocating Comadrismo: A Feminist Mentoring Approach for Latinas in Rhetoric and Composition
 Ana Milena Ribero and Sonia C. Arellano 
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Asian American Affect and Advocacy: Remembering Hyoejin Yoon
Terese Guinsatao Monberg and Jennifer Sano-Franchini
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Melissa A. Goldthwaite
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Editors’ Introduction
Clancy Ratliff
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Feminist Fissures: Navigating Conflict in Mentoring Relationships
Kathryn Gindlesparger and Holly Ryan
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Inspiring Collegiality: A Roundtable on Intergenerational Mentoring
Lynée Lewis Gaillet, Sarah Bramblett, Don Gammill Jr., Tiffany Gray, Cantice Greene, Letizia Guglielmo, Mary Lamb, Renee Love, Alice Johnston Myatt, Kristen Ruccio, Matthew Sansbury, Lara Smith-Sitton, and Nathan Wagner
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More Than Empathy: Transnational Feminist Mentoring Practices for Solidarity Building
Asmita Ghimire, Amy Lueck, and Elizabethada Wright
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Reclaiming the Work of Wendy Bishop as Rhetorical Feminist Mentoring: A Cluster Conversation
Mary Ann Cain and Melissa A. Goldthwaite
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