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Keyword: history
Help Make Coalition History
Dear Coalition Friends and Colleagues,
This blog post is an invitation. It’s addressed not only to current Coalition members, but also to past and future members as well as allied scholars and teachers who have contributed to Coalition events over the past 25 years.
We invite you to help make Coalition history by sharing your CWSHRC media.
What’s the occasion? As you may remember, Alexandra Hidalgo is currently producing a documentary about the first quarter century of the Coalition. She filmed our 25th Anniversary Gala, and she conducted a series of interviews at CCCC 2014. Of course, she could not talk with everyone, nor could she travel back in time to collect footage of past events.
But who needs time machines when you have rhetoric and composition historians?
To contribute to Alex’s efforts as well as the Coalition’s archives, we ask you to share your media (i.e., still images, video, document scans), including but not limited to mementos from:
- CCCC Coalition meetings and related sessions;
- Feminisms and Rhetorics conferences;
- and informal meet-ups with Coalition colleagues.
[fu-upload-form title=”Upload Coalition Media Here:” suppress_default_fields=”true”][input type=”text” name=”author_name” class=”required” description=”Enter your name if/as you wish to be credited for your contribution:”][textarea name=”post_content” description=”Please indicate the title(s) of the media you are uploading (if any) and offer a brief description of the person(s)/object(s)/occasion(s) represented:” class=”required”][input type=”file” name=”photo” id=”ug_photo” description=”Your Media” multiple=”true”][checkboxes name=”permissions” class=”checkboxes required” description=”By checking this box I give my permission for the file(s) I upload to be included by Alexandra Hidalgo in her documentary about the Coalition and in related scholarly publications and presentations. I also give permission for my file(s) to be archived in perpetuity by the Coalition of Women Scholars and to be used by Coalition members for organizational/educational/scholarly purposes including public presentations and both print and electronic publications.” values= “value:I agree for my images to be used.”] [input type=”submit” value=”Submit”] [/fu-upload-form]
Keyword: history
Clancy Ratliff
Tags: archives, art, autoethnography, Best of the Journals, collaboration, grief, history, material, Mentoring, pedagogy, reflection, retrospective
Emily January Petersen & Breeanne Matheson
Tags: Counterstory, Feminist Research, history, Indigenous Histories, racial justice