Peitho Tag
Keyword: book review
Review of Crazy Horse Weeps: The Challenge of Being Lakota in White America
Lora Mendenhall
Tags: 22-3, book review, environment, Lakota
Lora Mendenhall
Tags: 22-3, book review, environment, Lakota
Review of Not One More! Feminicidio on the Border
Catherine Chaput and Alison Moore
Tags: 22-3, assemblages, book review, feminicidios
Catherine Chaput and Alison Moore
Tags: 22-3, assemblages, book review, feminicidios
Review of Re/Orienting Writing Studies: Queer Methods, Queer Projects
Gavin P. Johnson and Cody Jackson
Tags: 22-3, book review, queer rhetoric, writing studies
Gavin P. Johnson and Cody Jackson
Tags: 22-3, book review, queer rhetoric, writing studies
Review of Surrender: Feminist Rhetoric and Ethics in Love and Illness
Ashley Canter
Tags: 22-2, book review, care, illness, surrender
Ashley Canter
Tags: 22-2, book review, care, illness, surrender
Review of Digital Black Feminism (Knight Steele 2021)
KáLyn Banks Coghill
Tags: Black women, book review, Digital Blackness, inclusion, technology
KáLyn Banks Coghill
Tags: Black women, book review, Digital Blackness, inclusion, technology