Peitho Tag
Keyword: feminism
“An American Orphan”: Amelia Simmons, Cookbook Authorship, and the Feminist Ethē
Elizabeth J. Fleitz
Tags: 23-1, Amelia Simmons, American Cookery, cookbooks, ethe, ethos, feminism, rhetoric
Elizabeth J. Fleitz
Tags: 23-1, Amelia Simmons, American Cookery, cookbooks, ethe, ethos, feminism, rhetoric
Feminist Citational Mapping as Recovery and Reconsideration: A Methodology for Analyzing Citational Practices
Liz Lane, Lori Beth De Hertogh, and Jessica Ouellette
Tags: 22-3, feminism, feminist citational practices, mapping
Liz Lane, Lori Beth De Hertogh, and Jessica Ouellette
Tags: 22-3, feminism, feminist citational practices, mapping
Justice for All: The Womanist Labor Rhetoric of Nannie Helen Burroughs
Veronica Popp and Danielle Phillips-Cunningham
Tags: feminism, labor, organizing, Race, womanism
Veronica Popp and Danielle Phillips-Cunningham
Tags: feminism, labor, organizing, Race, womanism
Making Sense of #MeToo: Intersectionality and Contemporary Feminism
Caroline Dadas
Tags: #MeToo, 22-3, feminism, Intersectionality, parrhesia, Twitter
Caroline Dadas
Tags: #MeToo, 22-3, feminism, Intersectionality, parrhesia, Twitter
On Race, Feminism, and Rhetoric: An Introductory/Manifesto Flow…
Gwendolyn Pough and Stephanie Jones
Tags: feminism, introduction, Race, rhetoric
Gwendolyn Pough and Stephanie Jones
Tags: feminism, introduction, Race, rhetoric
Religious Limitations, Mislabeling, and Positions of Authority: A Rhetorical Case for Beth Moore
Samantha Rae-Garvey
Tags: authority, faith, feminism, limitations, ministry, mislabeling, religion
Samantha Rae-Garvey
Tags: authority, faith, feminism, limitations, ministry, mislabeling, religion
Review of Body Work: The Radical Power of Personal Narrative
Ellen O’Connell Whittet
Tags: autoethnography, creative nonfiction, feminism, memoir, queer studies
Ellen O’Connell Whittet
Tags: autoethnography, creative nonfiction, feminism, memoir, queer studies