From: Mike Palmquist
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 4:21 PM
Subject: Re: Martin's Larger Vision for WAC
Right now, I'd love to take the seminar you describe. I was fortunate to
have attended one in the late 1980s taught by Richard Young. It was one of
those small (three students) seminars where we met in Richard's office and
talked and talked and talked about WAC for a semester. I still refer to the
materials I took from the course and I have to admit that spending time with
Richard Young for any reason is time well spent. In this case, though, we
asked some hard questions about WAC, questions that Richard and I continue
to think and write about. In fact, Richard sent me an email about our WAC
program, asking me to think further about our assumptions and cheering on
our efforts. Come to think of it, maybe I'm still taking that seminar.


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