From: Martin E. Rosenberg []
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 1:25 PM
Subject: Re: Martin's Larger Vision for WAC
Dickie and Michael:

Dickie as always is on the mark.  And Michael, I think 
that you have an answer of sorts for your sabbaticalizing (?)  colleague.

First of all, I see something like "systems thinking" as a form of 
pedagogy rooted in rhetoric, a rhetoric of the same level of ambition 
seen in the Iowa rhetoric study group and its series at Wisconsin, 
but with a different methodology, a different rigor.  I used to think 
that a WAC/CAC person should have training in r&c (and in c&c) but 
also the equivalent of an doctoral exam in a separate discipline--in 
order to communicate with those from disciplines across the academy 
with a certain "legitimacy."  I no longer think that its necessary to 
be a practicing economist in order to teach economics students how to 
write.  But with "systems" per se, you have a critical thinking 
methodology that can be shown to cut across disciplinary boundaries,
enable students to think synthetically and globally about local 
(disciplinary) problems, and provide the perfect kind of perspective to 
stimulate exercises that would require the capacity to think about and 
write about different kinds of situations and disciplinary cultures--all 
with real world implications.

And the best place to offer this kind of training for future WAC/CAC 
specialists is in a graduate seminar and in directed study leading 
possibly to an exam or other preparatory hurdle.  

Now Dickie of course raises the question about vulnerability, but I think 
we've all seen at least second hand the consequences of being on the 
cutting edge of technology enhanced education (or literary theory, or 
rhetorical theory or social science methodology within English and r&c 
studies etc...).  Dickie and Cindy have, and I certainly have.  But.....

Sometimes you just have to commit to a line of conceptual flight that you 
believe in.  Especially if what you believe in has to do with the ethical 
perspective that line of flight provides.

best wishes.....mer

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