From: Michael Moore []
Sent: Monday, April 23, 2001 12:26 PM
Subject: Re: Martin's Larger Vision for WAC

On Mon, 23 Apr 2001, Dickie Selfe wrote:

   The two human agents who have the most to loose by engaging in  
   these exciting projects are students and new, young faculty who are  
   often obligated to adhear to disciplinary standards that can be  
   remarkably inflexible. In reverse order, what do you say to young 
   colleagues and graduate students in this regard?

Are there currently any programs that offer graduate seminars in
WACy/CACy/ECACy theories and practices? I've had some great seminars
(rhetoric of technology; theories of pedagogy) that could easily be
tailored with necessary across-the-curriculum readings. In fact, projects
could include presentations designed to educate potential "remarkably
inflexible" curriculum committees; designing WACy/CACy/ECACy
syllabi; walk-the-walk projects that include the participation of students
& faculty from other departments ...

The graduate seminar is one potential site. 


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