Citation Guidelines
Janice R. Walker, Citations Editor
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APA-Style Papers | Citing Academic.Writing in
MLA-Style Papers | For More Information
Formatting the List of References for Online Publication
in Academic.Writing
Citations of print sources should conform to the guidelines presented
in the most recent edition of the Publication Manual of the American
Psychological Association (APA). To cite electronic sources, follow
guidelines for scientific style presented in the Columbia Guide to Online
Style, by Janice R. Walker and Todd Taylor, and approved by the Alliance
for Computers and Writing. These guidelines are posted at
Contributors are encouraged to depart from APA and COS-Scientific styles
in one respect: please provide first names instead of initials for the
authors of cited sources.
Double-spacing and hanging indents used in traditional publications
are print-based mechanisms. For online publication, lists of works cited
or references should be formatted flush with the left-hand margin, using
a paragraph break (<P>) between entries, as in the following entries.
Do not force line breaks; allow your word processor or Web editor
to wrap lines instead.
Bernhardt, Stephen A., & Farmer, Bruce W. (1998). Work in transition:
Trends and implications. In Mary Sue Garay & Stephen A. Bernhardt (Eds.),
literacies: English teaching and the new workplace (pp. 55-80). Albany:
State University of New York Press.
Faigley, Lester & Romano, Susan. (1995). Going electronic: Creating
multiple sites for innovation in a writing program." In Charles
I. Schuster (Series Ed.) & Joseph Janangelo & Kristine Hansen
( Vol. Eds.), Resituating writing: Constructing and administering writing
programs. CrossCurrents: New perspectives in rhetoric and composition
series (pp. 46-58). Portsmouth,NH: Heinemann.
Harvey, David (1996). Justice, nature & the geography of difference.
London: Blackwell.
Herndl, Carl G. (1993). Teaching discourse and reproducing culture:
A critique of research and pedagogy in professional and non-academic writing.
Composition and Communication, 44, 349-363.
For electronic and electronically-accessed sources, follow guidelines below
for COS-Scientific style. For more information on preparing bibliographic
material for network publication, see The
Columbia Guide to Online Style (New York: Longman, 1999).
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Citing Works Published in Academic.Writing
COS-Scientific Style (APA, CSE) Papers*
*Note: The examples below list the author's full name, as required
by Academic.Writing. If you are citing articles that must
adhere strictly to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological
Association (4th ed.), replace the author's first name with the initial
To cite the journal as a whole
List the full title of the journal in italics followed by a period,
the URL for the journal and the date of access, enclosed in parentheses
and followed by a period.
Academic.Writing. (13 March 2000).
To cite forum discussions
List the authors alphabetically, with the moderator as the last author, followed by a period. Then list the date of publication, enclosed in parentheses and followed by a
period. Next list the title of the forum, followed by a period, the
title of the journal in italics and followed by a period, the URL, and finally the
date of access enclosed in parentheses and followed by a period.
Herrington, Anne, LeCourt, Donna, McLeod, Susan, Russell, David, Young, Art, and Palmquist, Mike. (March 26, 2000). Academic.Writing Forum: Principles that Should Guide WAC/CAC Program Development in the Coming Decade. Academic.Writing. (22 March 2000).
To cite a specific "page" of a forum or contribution by a specific participant
List the name of the participant, last name first, the date of publication,
enclosed in parentheses and followed by a period, and the title of the
page. Next, list the authors of the forum, with the moderator as last author, followed by a period. Then list the title
of the forum. Give the title of the journal, in italics, the URL,
and the date of access, enclosed in parentheses and followed by a period.
LeCourt, Donna. (2000). Follow-up question: The role
of affect in WAC. In Herrington, Anne, LeCourt, Donna, McLeod, Susan, Russell, David, Young, Art, and Palmquist, Mike. Principles
that should guide WAC/CAC program development in the coming decade. Academic.Writing. (22 March 2000).
To cite a specific column
List the author's name, last name first, followed by the date of publication,
enclosed in parentheses, the title of the article, and the title of the
journal. Next, give the URL for the column, followed by the
date of access enclosed in parentheses.
Childers, Pamela B. (2000). Secondary school CAC/WAC and
writing centers.
(22 March 2000).
To cite a featured article
List the authors name, last name first, the date of publication,
and the title of the article. List the journal title in italics,
followed by the URL and the date of access.
Hocks, Mary E., Lopez, Elizabeth Sanders, & Grabill, Jeffrey T.
(2000). Praxis and institutional architecture: Designing an
interdisciplinary professional writing program." Academic.Writing. (22 March 2000).
To cite the pdf version
Even though it is usually preferable
to cite the location from which you retrieved the article, it is important
that you reference the version you actually used--in this case, the pdf
version. By moving "up" the directory tree, researchers can locate
the journal online if desired, or, by entering the URL with the .pdf file
name, they can access directly the same version which you cited.
Hocks, Mary E., Lopez, Elizabeth Sanders, & Grabill, Jeffrey T.
(2000). Praxis and institutional architecture: Designing an interdisciplinary
professional writing program." Academic.Writing.
(22 March 2000).
To cite reviews in Academic.Writing
List the author of the review, last name first, followed by a period,
followed by the date of publication enclosed in parenthese and followed
by a period. Next list the title of the review, if applicable.
In square brackets, list the description of the review (i.e., "Review of
the book") and the book title, followed by the title of the journal, the
URL, and date of access enclosed in parentheses. If the review does not
have a separate title, the descriptive material inside the square brackets
serves as one, but the brackets are still retained.
Barnett, Timothy. (2000). [Review of the book In
the long run: A study of faculty in three writing-across-the-curriculum
programs]. Academic.Writing.
(22 March 2000).
To cite CAC Connections
List the author's name, last name first, the date of publication enclosed
in parentheses,the title of the article, and the section title. Next,
list the title of the journal in italics, the URL, and the date of access.
Reiss, Donna. (2000). Making connections. CAC connections.
(22 March 2000).
To cite a specific article within CAC Connections
List the author's name, last name first, followed by the date of publication
and the title of the articles. Next, list the title of the section,
followed by the journal title, date of publication, the URL, and the date
of access.
Barber, John F., & Grigar, Dene. (2000). Idealism, pragmatism,
and skepticism in 'Computers and writing' at the fin de siècle.
In CAC Connections. Academic.Writing.
(22 March 2000).
To cite a specific article or section in a frame
Provide URL to journal home page followed by a single blank space and
the link followed to access the specific page. When it is necessary
to follow more than one link, separate them from each other by forward-slash
marks ("/").
Selfe, Dickie. (2000). CAC research: Welcome and call for contributions.
WAC clearinghouse. Academic.Writing.
Resources /Research on CAC (10 April 2000).
Instead of citing the page as a link from the main
page, you may cite the direct URL.
Selfe, Dickie. (2000). CAC research: Welcome and call for contributions.
WAC clearinghouse. Academic.Writing.
(10 April 2000).
To cite abstracts of dissertations and theses related to CAC
Give the author's name, last name first, followed by the date
of the theses or dissertation and the title of the dissertation, with the
word "Abstract" enclosed in square brackets and followed by a period.
Next, list the University Microfilms number, if applicable, in parentheses,
followed by the title of the journal, the URL from which the thesis or
dissertation abstract can be accessed, and the date of access.
Dannels, Deanna Patricia. (1999). Orality in the
disciplines: A study of oral practices in mechanical engineering [Abstract].
(University Microfilms No. AAT 9924003). Academic.Writing. (10 April 2000).
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Citing Works Published in Academic.Writing
COS-Humanities Style (MLA, Chicago) Papers
To cite the journal as a whole
List the full title of the journal in talics followed by a period,
the URL for the journal and the date of access, enclosed in parentheses
and followed by a period.
Academic.Writing. (13 March 2000).
To cite forum discussions
List the author's names, with the moderator listed as the last author, followed by a period. Then list the title of the forum, enclosed in quotation marks and
followed by a period. Next, list the title of the journal
in italics, followed by a period, the date of publication, followed by
a period, the URL and the date of access enclosed in parentheses and followed
by a period.
Herrington, Anne, LeCourt, Donna, McLeod, Susan, Russell, David, Young, Art, and Palmquist, Mike. "Principles that Should Guide WAC/CAC Program
Development in the Coming Decade." Academic.Writing.
2000. (22 March 2000).
To cite a specific "page" of a forum or contribution by a specific participant
List the name of the participant, last name first, followed by a period. Then the title of the
page, followed by a period and enclosed in quotation marks. Then the title of the forum and
the names of the authors, with the moderators listed as the last author. Next, list the journal title, in italics,
the date of publication, the URL and the date of access.
LeCourt, Donna. "Follow-Up Question: The Role of Affect
in WAC." In "Principles that Should Guide WAC/CAC Program Development in
the Coming Decade." Herrington, Anne, LeCourt, Donna, McLeod, Susan, Russell, David, Young, Art, and Palmquist, Mike. Academic.Writing.
2000. (22 March
To cite a specific column
List the author's name, last name first, followed by the title of the
article enclosed in quotation marks. Next, give the title of the
journal, the publication date and the URL for the column, followed by the
date of access enclosed in quotation marks.
Childers, Pamela B. "Secondary School CAC/WAC and Writing Centers."
2000. (22 March 2000).
To cite a featured article
Lisst the author's name(s), the title of the article enclosed
in quotation marks, the journal title in italics, and the date of publication.
Next, list the URL followed by the date of access enclosed in parentheses.
Hocks, Mary E., Elizabeth Sanders Lopez, and Jeffrey T. Grabill.
"Praxis and Institutional Architecture: Designing an Interdisciplinary
Professional Writing Program." Academic.Writing. 2000. (22 March 2000).
To cite the pdf version
Even though it is usually preferable
to cite the location from which you retrieved the article, it is important
that you reference the version you actually used--in this case, the pdf
version. By moving "up" the directory tree, researchers can locate
the journal online if desired, or, by entering the URL with the .pdf file
name, they can access directly the same version which you cited.
Hocks, Mary E., Elizabeth Sanders Lopez, and Jeffrey T. Grabill.
"Praxis and Institutional Architecture: Designing an Interdisciplinary
Professional Writing Program." Academic.Writing. 2000. (22 March 2000).
To cite reviews in Academic.Writing
List the author of the review, last name first, followed by a period,
followed by the words "Rev. of," the title of the book, in italics, and
followed by the name(s) of the author(s). Follow with the title of
the journal in italics, the date of publication, the URL, and the date
of access.
Barnett, Timothy. Rev. of In the Long Run: A Study of
Faculty in Three Writing-Across-the-Curriculum Programs, by Barbara
E. Walvoord, Linda Lawrence Hunt, H. Fil Dowling, and Joan D. McMahon.
2000. (22
March 2000).
To cite CAC Connections
List the author's name, last name first, the title of the article,
enclosed in quotation marks, the section title, the title of the journal
in italics, and the date of publication. Next, list the URL followed
by the date of access.
Reiss, Donna. "Making Connections." CAC Connections.
Academic.Writing. 2000.
(22 March 2000).
To cite a specific article within CAC Connections
List the author's name, last name first, followed by the title of the
article enclosed in quotation marks. Include any previous publication
information (or, for conference presentations, give the name of the conference,
the location, and the date). Next, list the title of the section,
followed by the journal title, date of publication, the URL, and the date
of access.
Barber, John F., and Dene Grigar. "Idealism, Pragmatism, and
Skepticism in 'Computers and Writing' at the Fin de Siècle."
Computers and Writing Conference. Rapid City, SC, 1999. In
CAC Connections. Academic.Writing. 2000.
(22 March 2000).
To cite a specific section or section in a frame
Provide URL to journal home page followed by a single blank space and
the link followed to access the specific page.
Selfe, Dickie. "CAC Research: Welcome and Call for Contributions."
WAC Clearinghouse. Academic.Writing. 2000. Resources/Research on CAC (10 April 2000).
Instead of citing the page as a link from the main
page, you may cite the direct URL.
Selfe, Dickie. "CAC Research: Welcome and Call
for Contributions." WAC Clearinghouse. Academic.Writing.
2000. (10 April 2000).
To cite abstracts of dissertations and theses related to CAC
Give the author's name, followed by the word "Abstract" and
the title of the thesis and dissertation. Next give the University
Microfilms file number, if applicable, and the name of the University or
degree-granting institution, followed by the date of the thesis or dissertation.
Finally, list the title of the journal, the date of publicaiton, the URL,
and the date of access enclosed in parentheses.
Dannels, Deanna Patricia. Abstract.
"Orality in the Disciplines: A Study of Oral Practices in Mechanical Engineering."
University Microfilms No. AAT 9924003. U of Utah, 1999. Academic.Writing.
2000. (10 April 2000).
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To cite this page in COS-Scientific
Walker, J. R. (2000). Citing Academic.Writing:
Guidelines for citing sources. Academic.Writing.
(22 March 2000).
To cite this page in COS-Humanities Style:
Walker, Janice R. "Citing Academic.Writing:
Guidelines for Citing Sources." Academic.Writing.
2000. (22 March 2000).
For more information on Columbia Online Style, see
Copyright © 2000 J.
Walker. Last modified 21 May 2000.
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