Re: force

Jeffrey R Galin (galin+@PITT.EDU)
Tue, 20 Aug 1996 10:29:18 -0400

Grades are institutional mechanisms for distinguishing among
students, primarily for institutional purposes. They also happen to
elicit Pavlovian responses from students and have real effects in the
real world. Make a few Ds in your major and see how easy it is to get
into Medical school.
Blunt or sharp, they are part of the social system of American
schooling. While there are many ways to get around giving grades in
specific classes, one gradeless class does not change the institution.

\ Jeffrey R. Galin
_/ Department of English
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On Tue, 20 Aug 1996, Steve Finley wrote:

> Eric--
> Grades are sharp instruments used to divide groups of students
> imperfectly but meaningfully.
> s finley
> :-)