Writing Process Stew

Jane Lasarenko





"Aw, shoot (typos already?), the screen's still blank! Why did I ever get myself into this profession? Oh no! My stomach hurts again; what did I do with that Maalox? It can't be due tomorrow! Right. Write. Where's my notes? Crap, forget it, I can't write--the house is a mess. Yeah, I'll clean house. . . Midnight? Already? Egads, girl, you've only got eight another hours. Write--right."

Still a blank screen. Okay, I've got my coffee, smokes, notes. The Scotch! I knew I was forgetting something. Is Anyplace still open? I'm so tired; what am I going to do? Start in the middle, they say? The middle of what? Middle muddle. I can't start in no **ing middle--you starts where you starts, says I. So where did this all start?

A few words! A sentence! A paragraph! Boy, that Scotch is good. Line by line this document grows. Ouch! That last sentence really sucked. Better change it now before I forget. Five o'clock. Five o'clock?! Time to get serious here. Now where (no where now here) did I put that idea?

Whew! Done.