Now you see, we do have a level of agreement here on which to build.
A place to begin writing... :)
> One spitter can't hope to make much difference.
Well, Margaret Mead disagreed with you. She said, one person can make
the fact, that's all that ever makes a difference. (Or
something like that.) And I know you don't even really believe that, so
moving on...
> You see why I resort to revolutionary rhetoric & other forms of hype? I'd
> like some company in the spitting battle with the devil!
(I'm not going to take that "devil" bit personally...too lazy today.)
Actually, your rhetoric about grading is the most effective I've ever
read or heard, partly because you are so reasonable about it. But my
experience keeps me from believing it will work for most classes in
today's world. In a class where the instructor is totally comitted to
it, it might work for many students because nothing is so attractive and
convincing as the enthusiasm of total committment, but some students
will fall through the crack...(we've had this conversation before,
haven't we? And isn't it humid today!!!)
Darlene Sybert