Clearly under current law, the Chinese are violating a whole bunch of
laws and treaties. But what if, like many companies that are selling
software via the Internet, the CD was designed to "blow up" (not work)
after a certain period if the registration fee wasn't paid? But you
could test it for 30 days for free? I'm currently using a program
like this.
Like the student with the quiz, had the teacher written the rules a
little tighter there would not be a problem. Those who have an
interest in intellectual property have an obligation to figure out
ways to protect it. The technologies/definitions/rules are changing.
We need to be able to change with it. If we can't, then people will
make money off our ideas and we won't.
Maybe we need a system, like Star Trek, where money and basic survival
needs are met for all and we are left to get other kinds of rewards
more valuable than money? Hmmmm.
Mike Hamende