Writing and Science Bibliography: Professional Preparation

Almeida-Souza, L., & Bates, J. (2012). PhD survival guide: Some brief advice for PhD students. European Molecular Biology Organization Reports, 13(3), 189-192.

Eckel, E.J. (2010). A reflection on plagiarism, patchwriting, and the engineering Master's thesis. Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, 62. http://www.istl.org.

Finegold, L. (2002). Writing for science as scholarly communication. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 11(3), 255-260.

Florence, M.K., & Yore, L.D. (2004). Learning to write like a scientist: Coauthoring as an enculturation task. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 41(6), 637-668.

Kamler, B. (2008). Rethinking doctoral publication practices: writing from and beyond the thesis. Studies in Higher Education, 33(3), 283-294.

Kucan, L. (2011). Approximating the practice of writing the dissertation literature review. Literacy Research and Instruction, 50, 229-240.

Louis, K. S., Holdsworth, J.M., Anderson, M.S., & Campbell, E.G. (2008). Everyday ethics in research: Translating authorship guidelines into practice in bench sciences. The Journal of Higher Education, 79(1), 88-112.

Rose, M., & McClafferty, K.A. (2001). A call for the teaching of writing in graduate education. Educational Researcher, 30(2), 27-33.

Seals, D.R., & Tanaka, H. (2000). Manuscript peer review: A helpful checklist for students and novice referees. Advances in Physiology Education, 23(1), 52-58.

Tang, B.L., & Gan, Y.H. (2005). Preparing the senior or graduating student for graduate research. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education, 33(4), 277-280.

Wickman, C. (2010). Writing material in chemic physics research: The laboratory notebook as locus of technical and textual integration. Written Communication, 27(3), 259-282.