Writing and Science Bibliography: Rhetorical Principles

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Bentley, P., & Kyvik, S. (2011). Academic staff and public communication: A survey of popular science publishing across 13 countries. Public Understanding of Science, 20(1), 48-63.

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Burns, T.W., O'Connor, D.J., & Stocklmayer, S.M. (2003). Science communication: A contemporary definition. Public Understanding of Science, 12(2), 183-202.

Ceccarelli, L. (2004). Neither confusing cacophony nor culinary complements: A case study of mixed metaphors for genomic science. Written Communication, 21(1), 92-105.

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Clarke, C.E. (2011). A case of conflicting norms? Mobilizing and accountability information in newspaper covers of the autism-vaccine controversy. Public Understanding of Science, 20(5), 609-626.

Critchley, C.R., & Nicol, D. (2011). Understanding the impact of commercialization on public support for scientific research: Is it about the funding source or the organization conducting the research? Public Understanding of Science, 20(3), 347-366.

Davies, S.R. (2008). Constructing communication: Talking to scientists about talking to the public. Science Communication, 29(4), 413-434.

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Kim, K.S. (2011). Public understanding of the politics of global warming in the news media: The hostile media approach. Public Understanding of Science, 20(5), 690-705.

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MacDonald, S.P. (2005). The language of journalism in treatments of hormone replacement news. Written Communication, 22(3), 275-297.

MacDonald, T., & Bean, A. (2011). Adventures in the subatomic universe: An exploratory study of a scientist-museum physics education project. Public Understanding of Science, 20(6), 846-862.

Maillé, M., Saint-Charles, J., & Lucotte, M. (2010). The gap between scientists and journalists: The case of mercury science in Québec's press. Public Understanding of Science, 19(1), 70-79.

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Nerlich, B., & James, R. (2009). "The post-antibiotic apocalypse" and the "war on superbugs": Catastrophe discourse in microbiology, its rhetorical form and political function. Public Understanding of Science, 18(5), 574-590.

Nisbet, M.C. & Mooney, C. (2006). Framing science. Science, 316(5821), 56ff.

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Rickard, L.N. (2011). In backyards, on front lawns: Examining informal risk communication and communicators. Public Understanding of Science, 20(5), 642-657.

Riesch, H. (2011). Changing news: Re-adjusting science studies to online newspapers. Public Understanding of Science, 20(6), 771-777.

Rogers, C.L. (2000). Making the audience a key participant in the science communication process. Science and Engineering Ethics, 6(4), 553-557.

Rowe, G., Rawsthorne, D., Scarpello, T., & Dainty, J.R. (2010). Public engagement in research funding: A study of public capabilities and engagement methodology. Public Understanding of Science, 19(2), 225-239.

Segal, J.Z. (2009). Internet health and the 21st-century patient: A rhetorical view. Written Communication, 26(4), 351-369.

Shapin, S. (1984). Pump and circumstance: Robert Boyle's literary technology. Social Studies of Science, 14(4), 481-520.

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Stekolschik, G., Draghi, C., Adaszko, D., & Gallardo, S. (2010). Does the public communication of science influence scientific vocation? Results of a national survey. Public Understanding of Science, 19(5), 625-637.

Suleski, J., & Ibaraki, M. (2010). Scientists are talking, but mostly to each other: A quantitative analysis of research represented in mass media. Public Understanding of Science, 19(1), 115-125.

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Wagner-Egger, P., Bangerter, A., Gilles, I., Green, E., Rigaud, D., Krings, F., Staerklé, C., & Clémence, A. (2011). Lay perceptions of collectives at the outbreak of the H1N1epidemic: Heroes, villains, and victims. Public Understanding of Science, 20(4), 461-476.

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