
The WAC Clearinghouse and the Association for Writing Across the Curriculum (AWAC) are pleased to present the WAC Repository, a journal focused on scholarly exchange about writing across the curriculum and resources that support both the WAC community and the larger writing studies community. The Repository invites submissions in the form of articles, collections, exhibits, and crowdsourced initiatives. We also invite suggestions for resources and related work and organizations. 

All materials submitted to the Repository will be peer-reviewed. To submit work, please visit our submissions portal. To learn about our review process, please visit our Review Processes page. To learn about the mission and principles guiding the Repository, please visit our About the Repository page. 

Submit an Article

The types of articles the WAC Repository seeks to publish include the following.

WAC Administration or Pedagogy Artifact with Critical Reflection 
  • Length: 1,500-2,500 words plus artifact

  • These course and program materials should highlight WAC theories and evidence-based practices in application in local contexts.

  • The critical reflection should describe the course, program, and/or institutional context; link the artifact to theories or evidence-based practices; explain the rationale of its design and design process; and critically reflect on the advantages and limitations of this artifact. Please also speak to how readers might adapt or translate this artifact for other contexts.

  • Artifacts might take the form of handouts, presentation slides, outlines of workshops or activities, promotional marketing tools, videos, assignments, rubrics, and other suitable media

WAC Program Profiles
  • Length: 1,500-2,500 words

  • Each profile should offer a holistic description of a WAC program and its local context. Please include a brief history of the program, its goals and mission, what theories or research inform the program, the program’s makeup and structure, its offerings by way of services and/or courses, and factors that constrain and encourage the program’s sustainability.

  • While one goal of this type of submission is to share history and context, another is to share recommendations for current and future WAC program administrators and educators, so profile authors might reflect on elements of the program they would reinvent or build differently or share advice informed by their leadership or participation in the program. 

WAC Testimonies
  • Length: 1,500-2,500 words

  • These critical accounts can be shared by WAC administrators, faculty across the disciplines, graduate students, tutors in centers/studios, and any other WAC participants or stakeholders. Highlighting a wide variety of experiences, positionalities, and perspectives, these pieces should foster reflection on meaningful WAC practices, pivotal moments in WAC program development, program leadership, equity and justice, and community or coalition building, among other topics. 

Submit an Exhibit, Collection, or Other Resource

Have an idea for a larger project? Feel free to reach out to the Associate Publishers Lindsey Harding ( and/or Lee Nickoson ( to discuss, brainstorm, and plan. 

To submit a collection, exhibit, crowdsourced initiative or to suggest the inclusion of resources and related work and organizations, please contact us through our submissions portal


Submissions will be rolling, year-round, and made through the WAC Clearinghouse’s Submission Portal.