Image description: a drawing by Pilar Emitxin. A young woman leans forward, laughing or shouting gleefully. She has pink flowers on top of her long red hair, she wears a green bandana for a top, and wears a bright purple choker necklace. The background is black, and bright pink text reads: “EL FEMINISMO VA A VENCER” (“Feminism is going to win”).

Peitho Volume 26, Issue 2, Winter 2024

Image description: a drawing by Pilar Emitxin. A young woman leans forward, laughing or shouting gleefully. She has pink flowers on top of her long red hair, she wears a green bandana for a top, and wears a bright purple choker necklace. The background is black, and bright pink text reads: “EL FEMINISMO VA A VENCER” (“Feminism is going to win”).

Volume 25 Issue 2, Winter 2024


Editor: Rebecca Dingo and Clancy Ratliff
Associate Editor: Jennifer Nish
Editorial Assistant: Stacie Klinowski and Rachel Smith
Web Coordinator: Hannah Taylor
Cover Art: Image description: a drawing by Pilar Emitxin. A young woman leans forward, laughing or shouting gleefully. The background is black, and bright pink text reads: “EL FEMINISMO VA A VENCER” (“Feminism is going to win”).


In Memoriam: Minnie Bruce Pratt


Recoveries and Reconsiderations

Cluster Conversation: Gender and the Rhetoricity of Work edited by Michelle Smith and Sarah Hallenbeck

Book Reviews