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Keyword: archivist
Be the 1st CWSHRC Archivist and Historian (1/5/2016)
Consider becoming the Coalition’s inaugural Archivist and Historian. See below for complete details about this new position or download a PDF version of this post.
Overview: As the Coalition of Women Scholars in the History of Rhetoric and Composition enjoys its second quarter century, we are pleased to announce the creation of a new two-year position: CWSHRC Archivist and Historian. To date, Tarez Samra Graban has created and overseen the Coalition’s administrative archive, which contains meeting minutes, organizational correspondence, and other similar documents. In addition, Kathleen Welch has set an example by amassing a personal collection of documents and artifacts that represent not only the Coalition’s history but also the growth of feminist scholars’ presence in our field. By establishing a formal, term-based role, the Coalition hopes to recognize and build on their efforts while ensuring they continue and expand, supported by the full range of resources the Coalition can provide.
Position description: The CWSHRC Archivist and Historian will take responsibility for building and maintaining the Coalition’s archives in both digital and analog forms. This work will include ongoing collection and curation of administrative documents, working in coordination with the CWSHRC Secretary, plus the acquisition of relevant materials from past and present CWSHRC members. The CWSHRC Archivist and Historian will also conduct research (i.e., surveys, interviews) designed to enhance our understanding of the Coalition’s evolution and its contribution to our field.
Specifically, the first CWSHRC Archivist and Historian will be responsible the following:
- Maintaining the administrative archive designed and currently overseen by CWSHRC Secretary;
- Working actively to collect relevant materials (i.e., memorabilia, personal notes, remembrances) from current and past CWSHRC members, especially emerita colleagues;
- Leading a Task Force charged with identifying possible sites and arrangements for a physical CWSHRC archive;
- Designing and conducting research to illuminate new aspects of CWSHRC members’ professional work (i.e., CWSHRC members’ relationship to WPA work or undergraduate research mentoring).
Appointment and eligibility: The CWSHRC Archivist and Historian will be selected by a committee established by the CWSHRC President and will serve a 2-year term (4/15/2016 to 4/14/2018) with the option of reapplication and reappointment for a total of 3 terms served. This role will have Ex Officio status on the Advisory Board unless the individual appointed is an AB member. All CWSHRC members are eligible to apply except next term’s officers (including the Member-at-Large). Applicants must be current members of the Coalition. To confirm membership status, contact Treasurer Marta Hess no later than 12/30/2015.
To apply: Email a cover letter and current CV to Coalition President Jenn Fishman. In the cover letter be sure to elaborate your interest in the position and in serving the Coalition; your ideas for fulfilling the role and your ability to do so in relation to your current and projected responsibilities; and your qualifications, including (but not limited to) relevant scholarship and/or scholarly projects. Applicants are welcome to send citations for or links to examples of relevant work. Applicants are also welcome to send preliminary questions to Jenn Fishman no later than 12/30/2015.
Applications are due 1/5/2016
Samira Grayson
Tags: archives, community archives, overlooked feminism, oral history, collaboration, quiet activism,