Peitho Tag
Keyword: 23-1
“An American Orphan”: Amelia Simmons, Cookbook Authorship, and the Feminist Ethē
Elizabeth J. Fleitz
Tags: 23-1, Amelia Simmons, American Cookery, cookbooks, ethe, ethos, feminism, rhetoric
Elizabeth J. Fleitz
Tags: 23-1, Amelia Simmons, American Cookery, cookbooks, ethe, ethos, feminism, rhetoric
Métis and Rhetorically Listening to #BlackLivesMatter
Storm Christine Pilloff
Tags: 23-1, love, mētis, queer, racism, rhetorical listening
Storm Christine Pilloff
Tags: 23-1, love, mētis, queer, racism, rhetorical listening
Afterword to Queer Rhetorical Listening
Krista Ratcliffe
Tags: 23-1, afterword, queer, queer rhetorical listening
Krista Ratcliffe
Tags: 23-1, afterword, queer, queer rhetorical listening
Excerpts from Terms of Play: Poetics on Consent as Method
Violet Livingston
Tags: 23-1, consent, lyric writing, queer rhetorics, rhetorical listening
Violet Livingston
Tags: 23-1, consent, lyric writing, queer rhetorics, rhetorical listening
Foreword to Queer Rhetorical Listening
Cheryl Glenn
Tags: 23-1, 2Fik, foreword, identity, Intersectionality, queer, rhetorical listening
Cheryl Glenn
Tags: 23-1, 2Fik, foreword, identity, Intersectionality, queer, rhetorical listening
Queer Kinesthetic Interlistening
Michael J. Faris
Tags: 23-1, attunement, queer, rhetorical listening, sensations
Michael J. Faris
Tags: 23-1, attunement, queer, rhetorical listening, sensations
Queering Rhetorical Listening: An Introduction to a Cluster Conversation
Timothy Oleksiak
Tags: 23-1, academic lyricism, generosity, queer, rhetorical listening
Timothy Oleksiak
Tags: 23-1, academic lyricism, generosity, queer, rhetorical listening
Review of Culturally Speaking: The Rhetoric of Voice and Identity in Mediated Culture
Mavis Boatemaa Beckson
Tags: 23-1, rhetoric of voice, vocal appropriation, vocal identity, vocalics
Mavis Boatemaa Beckson
Tags: 23-1, rhetoric of voice, vocal appropriation, vocal identity, vocalics
Review of Queering Romantic Engagement in the Postal Age: A Rhetorical Education
Patricia Fancher and Amelia Rodriguez
Tags: 23-1, archival research, failure, queer archival methodologies, queer rhetorics
Patricia Fancher and Amelia Rodriguez
Tags: 23-1, archival research, failure, queer archival methodologies, queer rhetorics
Review of Rhetorical Feminism and This Thing Called Hope
Stacie Klinowski
Tags: 23-1, activism, feminist mentoring, hope, rhetorical feminism
Stacie Klinowski
Tags: 23-1, activism, feminist mentoring, hope, rhetorical feminism
Review of Women at Work: Rhetorics of Gender and Labor
Jessica McCrary
Tags: 23-1, domestic, labor, work
Jessica McCrary
Tags: 23-1, domestic, labor, work