Race, Women, Methods, and Access: a Journey through Cyberspace and Back

Race, Women, Methods, and Access: a Journey through Cyberspace and Back
Peitho Volume 19 Issue 1 Fall/Winter 2016
Author(s): Leah DiNatale Gutenson and Michelle Bachelor Robinson
Abstract: Feminist historians of rhetoric and composition have begun to consider how digital technologies may enhance and occlude their scholarship, and this growing body of scholarship is impossible to ignore. This article traces the authors’ failed attempt to locate two historically important educators, Susie and Lottie Adams, in both physical and digital archives. While frustrating, the search for the Adams women led to some important conclusions about silence and invisibility and the underlying reasons why the researchers were ultimately unsuccessful in locating them. These explanations invite further discussion of a disciplinary conversation that is already well underway.
Tags: Access, Digital Humanities, historiography, Race, recovery, Women