¿Para qué se Lee y se Escribe en la Universidad Colombiana?

  • Research, Pedagogy, Basic Writing, Writing

Edited by Mauricio Pérez-Abril and Gloria Rincón Bonilla


This book presents the results of the inter-institutional research project, “What do people read and write for in Colombian universities? A contribution to the consolidation of academic culture in the country”.

The research project was implemented between 2009 and 2011; however, the research design began unfolding in 2008 and the editing of this book took place during 2012.

The research was co-funded by the Department of Science, Technology and Innovation (Colciencias) and the seventeen universities participating in the study. The research team was coordinated by Mauricio Pérez-Abril and Gloria Rincón Bonilla. This experience also benefited from the dialogue with international scholars like Ana Camps, from Universidad de Barcelona, ​​Spain; Paula Carlino, from the Argentinian National Council of Science and Universidad de Buenos Aires; and Luiz Percival Leme Britto, from Universidad do Oeste do Pará, Brazil.

The work presented in this book aims to describe the reading and writing practices, and the learning experiences within undergraduate programs or “licenciaturas” across disciplines in the participant universities. The study gathered quantitative and qualitative data and involved the participation of a variety of actors (including students, teachers, and administrators).

This research has constituted a preliminary step forward in the formulation of guidelines for public policies regarding writing in Colombian higher education. The project is also notable as it has promoted the creation of a professional network of over 50 reading and writing researchers and instructors, shaping an emerging field in Colombian higher education.

Table of Contents

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Sobre este libro y este proyecto


Mode of Presentation of Research, by Paula Carlino

1. Introducción

2. Conceptos básicos

3. Prácticas de Lectura y Escritura en la Universidad Colombiana : Estado Actual de Tendencias

4. Discursos sobre la Lectura y la Escritura: los Grupos de Discusión

5. Los Estudios de Caso: Prácticas Destacadas de la Enseñanza de la Lectura y la Escritura en la Universidad 



Apéndice 1

Apéndice 2

Publication information: Pérez-Abril, M. y Gloria Rincón-Bonilla. (Coords.) (2013). ¿Para qué se lee y se escribe en la universidad colombiana? Un aporte a la consolidación de la cultura académica del país. Bogota; Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Available at https://wac.colostate.edu/books/international/la/colombian/

Date of publication: 14 de Junio, 2013

Nota: Este libro aparece en la Clearinghouse cortesía de sus autores y editores.

International Exchanges on the Study of Writing

Series Editors: Terry Myers Zawacki, George Mason University; Magnus Gustafsson, Chalmers Tekniska Högskola, Institutionen för Vetenskapens Kommunikation och Lärande, Avdelningen för Fackspräk och Kommunikation; Joan Mullin, University of North Carolina at Charlotte; and Federico Navarro, Universidad de O'Higgins (Chile).

Section Editors: Federico Navarro (Editor Jefe) Universidad de O'Higgins (Chile); Violeta Molina-Natera (Editora de textos en Español), Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali (Colombia); Désirée Motta-Roth (Editora de textos en Portugués), Universidade Federal de Santa Maria / CNpQ (Brasil); Ana M. Cortés Lagos (Editora Asociada), Syracuse University.

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Copyright © 2013 Pontificia Universidad Javeriana and Mauricio Pérez Abril and Gloria Rincón Bonilla. This book was published by Editorial Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. It is reproduced here with permission of its authors, in PDF format. You may view this book. You may print personal copies of this book. You may share a link to this page. You may not reproduce this book on another website.