The WAC Clearinghouse

Reviewing CW2K: A1 Strand: Feminism and Technology

Lisa Gerrard's fabulous presentation in which she explored the ways that women are being portrayed on Web sites created by women kicked off a great session. Her presentation and reading of some incredible Web sites provided great food for thought on how women are negotiating visual space in an attempt to define themselves not as objects to be seen and judged as sights but as agents of social change. Christine Berzsenyi and Lisa Rashley gave more personal accounts of their teaching experiences in presentations that were both moving and thought provoking. Berzsenyi focused on a teaching situation where disturbing discourse manifested itself in a synchronous time chat, and Rashley explored the difficulties Women's Studies programs face on smaller college campuses where there is often only one professor in the department and where course offerings are not readily accessible to many students. Although their presentation styles were as different as the topics they approached, all three presenters did an excellent job of expressing their insights, concerns and findings.

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