The WAC Clearinghouse

CCCC 2001 in Review: A Janus Anti-Style/Pro-Conference Bibliography

I don't know if there's a term for a list of the books one will read after reading and writing and thinking, but it seems that a feature of the conference is that it makes us aware of books and ideas that require further research. Reviews and even knowledge seems to seek negativity to clarify and even shape ways of perceiving. 4Cs colleagues tend to think of themselves as collaborators and colleagues as well as any large conference goers I know of, though one thinks and reviews beyond back slapping and head nodding, as appropriate as that is too. In other words, even doubts expressed herein were gratefully received and the contributions of all conference goers continue to instruct and edify in myriad ways beyond the comprehension of even such as fine team of reviewers as those contributing here. The conference creators have their thanks and ours, but its idea creators also deserve our thanks, criticism and praise.

Some of the sources I worked with before coming to the conference to sharpen my presentations were Post-Process Theory: Beyond the Writing-Process Paradigm edited by Thomas Kent, Teaching Writing Creatively edited by David Starkey, Teaching and Writing as Reflective Practice by George Hillocks, Jr., Writing with Passion by Tom Romano, "More than a Feeling: Disappointment and WPA Work" by Laura Micciche, and On Literacy by Robert Pattison. The ideas I presented in my roundtable and SIG still resonate. As much as delivering them to the conference seemed like a goal, the illusion and joke is on me. Though well received, I know I've more to do, much more. I hope there's now less illusion about how reviews and session choices were made. In fact, all reviewers were simply encouraged "to follow their bliss" and hopefully it's clear that our reviews are individually influenced by our varying interests. [WH]

Leaving the conference all too aware of my need to learn beyond what I talked about, I bought Beyond the Writers' Worlkshop: New Ways to Write Creative Nonfiction by Carol Bly, Genre and Writing edited by Wendy Bishop and Hans Ostrom, The Subject is Research edited by Wendy Bishop and Pavel Zemliansky, and Blending Genre, Altering Style by Tom Romano, along with a satchel full of handouts and a new desire to change my class plans over break. Like characters who are created best when they change, when teachers leave a conference with more ideas to study than what they brought, it's a good day for learners everywhere. As readers review this review, I hope they will use its edges and depths to seek affirmation and change. For four days in March we connected with Chicago's streets, texts, and conference events with our best ideas and feelings-our yearly nexus can do no less. [WH]

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