Broken/Mended Heart

This action model is a heart which can be broken, that is, split, and then mended by being transformed into a different heart.

The procedure for making the heart is as follows. The diagrams were made with Paint Shop Pro.
Beginning with the white side facing up, fold paper in half. Fold sides to this halfway mark. This is commonly called a cupboard fold.
Place the vertical side edge so it lines up with the horizontal top edge. Only crease where indicated.
Repeat with other edges to form a square. Turn over.
Place bottom edge so it lines up with the opposite bottom side of the square just folded. Only crease where indicated.
Repeat with other edges to form diamond.
Reinforce creases. The folds making up the square should be in the opposite direction as the folds making the diamond. Collapse into heart.
Reverse-fold tips into the model to make the model more heart shaped.
The heart in both of its forms. To transform heart, pull apart lobes to reveal square (or diamond). Let the square (or diamond) fold in half as it should naturally.

This animation, made with Animation Shop, shows how to break and mend the heart.

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