The WAC Clearinghouse

Teaching with Technology: New Contexts for WAC

by Dan Melzer

Florida State University

This paper presents the results of a study of instructors across the curriculum who are using WebMC, a "course-in-a-box" program recently adopted by Florida State University. Using email interviews with instructors, I discuss the ways adopting WebMC changed-- and didn't change--the pedagogy of the instructors I surveyed. My results provide further evidence of the need for WAC practitioners to become more involved in on-line pedagogy and teacher training. I begin the paper with background on WebMC at Florida State.

Publication Information: Melzer, Dan. (2002). Teaching with Technology: New Contexts for WAC. Academic.Writing.
Publication Date: May 7, 2002
DOI: 10.37514/AWR-J.2002.3.1.13