From: Jude Edminster
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 7:02 AM
Subject: Re: Martin's Larger Vision for WAC
Charlie Moran wrote:

   Has anyone looked today at who actually delivers WAC courses
   in post-secondary institutions? Ours began as a faculty program, 
   but is now something like half TA's or adjuncts. I'd be surprised 
   if we were unique. And if what we want in WAC is to create an 
   institution that values writing, and if what we've done is to 
   shift that writing to low-paid, low-status teachers, then I'm not 
   sure we've done what we set out to do.

How did this happen?  Who decided full time faculty should not teach these
courses? Who acquiesced to/agreed with this decision and why?

Just a TA's musings about the usual stuff.  But I think the answers to these
questions are important.


Jude Edminster
University of South Florida

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