Writing without Response

Fri, 27 Oct 1995 15:51:19 -0500

Houston Wood writes of real world writing that is mainly read,
sometimes not even responded to, and rarely evaluated. That
condition may set up a helpful contrast to course-based writing,
but I'm not happy with real world writing that receives no
response. When I write to someone, I expect an answer. When I
send a letter, e- or snail-mail, I get all out of shape if I
get no reply. If I risk sharing a poem with a friend or family
member or colleague, I may not care about their evaluation, but I
surely do want some kind of response. If writing is for
communication, when I am choosing to communicate publicly (with
someone other than myself), one way transmission is not enough.
If it truly does communicate, then doesn't it (shouldn't it)
engender/continue further communication?

Don't you hate doing the report that is never used, if it is even
ever looked at?

Ellen Redding Kaler ^..^ ^..^ ^..^
Department of English ''' ''' ''' ''' ''' '''
Northwest Missouri State University
136 Colden Hall Voice Mail (816) 562-1740
Maryville, MO 64468 E-Mail: Kaler@Acad.NwMissouri.edu