The WAC Repository sees the organizing principles below as informing submissions. Submitted materials are expected to reflect some—but not all—of these principles.
Instruction and Pedagogy
Supporting language diversity
Supporting writing as a process
Using writing as a mode of learning
Understanding writing as rhetorical
Increasing students’ knowledge of disciplinary writing conventions
Building students’ 21st century literacies
Student Engagement
Developing inclusive and accessible strategies for learning
Supporting underserved or systemically minoritized students
Increasing student engagement across modalities and formats
Sustaining writing across students’ academic careers
Identifying and tracing various WAC efforts (including professional development) across campus
Recognizing and building on expertise already on campus
Creating an interdisciplinary community of committed faculty around teaching and student writing
Fostering partnerships with other programs to support WAC goals
Creating a campus culture that supports writing
Program Development
Learning from experienced WAC directors, researchers, and scholars
Learning from existing scholarship on WAC program administration
Seeking interdisciplinary input and investment in the WAC program
Collaborating with other institutional groups
Contributing to WAC scholarship
Advertising your WAC program and its successes
Addressing and overcoming challenges
Documenting institutional support
Creating meaningful, inclusive, and equitable evaluation of writing