The WAC Clearinghouse

Reviewing CW2K: Town Hall 1

The large screen and parade of conference stars made the opening of the conference dramatic and effective. The voices of "our town" expressed concerns for the ways our institutions are attuned to electronic scholarship and our need to reconsider notions of graduate education, as well as arguing that our town is not about training but about breadth and diversity. The C&W conference is extraordinary in the way it mentors "newbies" and graduate students (perhaps because we know how much knowledge new enthusiasts actually bring to our mix) so it was no surprise that _how_ we nurture our field with new participants is a vital concern. As Bill Condon wisely remarked, "We are still close to the frontier." This frontier spirit of C&W is attractive since it emphasizes our need to collaborate in order to survive, as well as offering exciting possibilities for discovery and exploration, but in Condon's terms, it's also a warning for pacing and critical attention to our progress.

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