The WAC Clearinghouse

Reviewing CW2K: B1 Field and Curricular Evolution within the Context of Technology

Tim McGee and Patricia Ericson presented "The Invisible Grammarian and the Evolution of Language." McGee and Ericson focused on using the functions in _MS Word_ to improve grammar instruction in the writing class. They believe that a wise use of this common software can become a valuable resource toward grammar instruction. McGee and Ericson stressed critical usage and refer us to'courses/evavra/ATEG/Mono/Haist/GCHECK.htm for a "must read" article by Caroline Haist. Essentially, the presenters stressed the teaching goal of making students more savvy users of computers, while also alerting us to the ways in which Microsoft sets grammatical rules.

Next, Kay Vreeland presented "Computers+Communication=Compostion (in Japan)." Vreeland discussed the digital divide in Japan. She argued that we are myopic about computer usage and supported this point by letting us know that only 10% of Japanese students use computers. Vreeland discussed some of the cultural difficulties in wiring her classes, as well as reminding us that difficulties of bringing computers into the learning mix are world wide and not simply solved by a World Wide Web.

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